Friday, February 19, 2016

Digital Inequality

Digital Inequality, according to the book, is described as the difference in access to social, cultural, and material resources necessary to access, use, and interpret digital information and technologies. This chapter also talks about social capital and cultural capital. Social capital is related to the connections with other people that serve as a resource. Cultural capital is the set of knowledge, tastes, and practices that signal your social class to others. Another main topic this chapter focuses on is different age groups. Childhood and how they are limited to technology mainly to just television and DVDs as well as books. Preteens and Teens and how they have shaped a number of social media practices, one including communicating quickly in text. Middle Adulthood and how they use social media for social support in life's transitions. Lastly, Seniors, who some use it for gaining information and learning. Then they talk about Rural versus Urban, whereas if someone lives in a rural region, their less likely to have a large social group compared to someone who lives is a urban area, where the population is larger.